InVentry’s Single Central Record

Do you struggle with numerous spreadsheets and documents trying to keep all staff and contractor management software information secure and in order? We might just have the solution for you! InVentry’s Single Central Record is the perfect way to keep track of relevant staff and contractor information. The need for spreadsheets and out-dated paper-based systems is no more.


InVentry’s Single Central Record keeps addresses, email addresses and contact information all in one place, as well as all certifications or personal checks that may be needed for your business, school or college.

Staff & Contractor Checks

Using the Single Central Record, you can create the necessary checks needed for your staff and contractors. This includes staff training records, contractor liability insurance or any other certifications contractors may need to provide you with.

Expiry Date Notifications

This feature is particularly useful for our education customers who need a record of DBS checks. If any information entered into the Single Central Record is due to expire, the required staff will receive an email notification saying it needs renewing or updating. You can also make sure that those who have not updated their expired DBS checks cannot sign into the building without providing an updated DBS check to ensure the safeguarding of pupils.

This feature is also particularly useful for businesses who require contractors to provide certain documentation as it will keep you up to date with who is allowed on site.

DBS 02

If you’re interested in finding out more about InVentry’s Single Central Record then get in touch with the team on 0113 322 9253 or email