ISO9001 & ISO27001 Accredited Company
InVentry ClubReg in a circle

Club Registration Solutions

Secure digital registration for breakfast and after school clubs

ClubReg Cloud Overview

Ensuring the safeguarding of pupils does not just extend to during normal school hours. Protecting pupils during breakfast or after school clubs is just as important. While schools often look to improve security and functionality of their regular sign in and registration systems, all too often breakfast and after-school clubs are overlooked.

With ClubReg Cloud, outdated paper registration systems can now be a thing of the past. ClubReg provides staff leading extra curricular activities with a digital registration system that ensures the safeguarding of pupils at all times.

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ClubReg Cloud Features

Club Attendance

Secure digital registration for school clubs, enabling you to accurately track student participation whilst ensuring outdated paper registration systems are a thing of the past.


With seamless integration with the InVentry Anywhere App, staff can easily see which students are still on site, meaning the safeguarding of pupils are always at the forefront of your school.

Self Registration

Give your students a new level of independence by allowing them to sign themselves in, freeing your staff up to attend to other tasks.


Access complete registers for your entire school in real time across multiple devices when completing any type of evacuation.

Web Based

Easily access ClubReg Cloud on most devices, including laptops, tablets and interactive whiteboard via some form of cellular or WI-FI signal and a web browser!


Anyone can create clubs quickly and easily and ensure that safeguarding of children out of hours is maintained.

Contact Us

Want to know more about our ClubReg Cloud Solution?

Request a brochure, or book your free demo today and find out how your organisation can benefit from our ClubReg Cloud solution.

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