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InVentry Insights

2nd Line Support Technician: Scott Panasuik

Support Scott

It’s the people that make InVentry such a fantastic company to be part of. We’d like to introduce you to one of our 2nd Line Support Technicians; Scott Panasuik, to see what he gets up to within his role.

When did you join InVentry?

It’s been just over 4 years since I joined InVentry. I started back in March 2018 as a 1st Line Support Technician. Before this role, I used to work as an IT technician fixing laptops, but I really missed being in a customer facing role so that’s why I looked at InVentry.

In my initial interview, the people were great – from the guys who interviewed me, to those I saw around the office whilst waiting to go in, everyone was really friendly! The office environment was great too – it looked like a really exciting place to work, and I’m pleased to say I’ve thought the exact same ever since! Even now, 4 years on!

Happy Anniversary! As you’ve been here for quite a while now, what do you like most about working at InVentry?

Aside from being able to interact with our customers on a regular basis, I would have to say the team and the working environment. The people team put on some fantastic activities throughout the year – like last month they provided us all with breakfast at the office – it was a great treat!

This year we also have a strong focus on feeling good, so the people team have arranged activities like yoga sessions, gym passes and even massages for the team. There’s always something going on around the office – it’s such an encouraging and collaborative place to be.

I also love how open and friendly the working structure is here, from other support technicians right through to our directors; everyone is super approachable!

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Breakfast in the office? That sounds like a right treat! So, what does a typical day look like in your role?

As a 2nd Line Support Technician, speaking to customers is a large part of what I do which I love. Everyday I get to speak to different customers, to give them the help and guidance they need to be able to get the most of their InVentry Systems.

Working in support can be such a rewarding job, I really enjoy the interaction with our customers and the rest of the support team. As the support team is quite large, we have a ‘you asked, we listened’ committee which is really encouraging as we have the ability to make suggestions in order to help the team get even stronger; our opinions are really valued.

That’s great to hear! What would be your career highlight so far?

Being promoted to a 2nd Line Technician would be one of my career highlights as it was great to have the opportunity to progress and grow with the company. Becoming a 2nd Line Technician meant that my team leader saw that I had the passion and ability to take on new responsibilities including working on more technically advanced cases for customers, which was incredibly rewarding.

Another highlight for me would have to be the internal webinar that I delivered to the rest of the team a few weeks back. It was great to really showcase what the support team gets up to with other departments to give them a real insight into what we do.

Ooh tell us more about the support team! 

We are a very busy team, but it’s such a great environment to be part of as we are a really sociable bunch.  The support team is one of the largest at InVentry, so we are divided into three separate groups and each team has a support lead, then two 2nd Line Technicians and three 1st Line Technicians. Having a mix of 1st line and 2nd line technicians works really well as it makes it easier to bounce different ideas and solutions off one another.

Scott Webinar
Sounds like a great team to be part of. What did you want to be when you were younger? 

I really wanted to be a firefighter. I even went to college and studied public services which is quite funny, as now I’m one of the fire marshals for InVentry so that certainly came in useful!

 At least we are in safe hands! What was your first ever role?

I was an apprentice for an IT Company where I was responsible for fixing computers, so technology has always been a huge interest of mine. I think that’s why I enjoy my role so much here as my knowledge of computers certainly has it’s uses.

Describe your experience with InVentry in three words… 

Fun, busy and friendly! The people definitely make my job such a pleasure.

Good Choice! Friendly comes up a lot! What’s one fact that people may not know about you?

I collect computer keyboards as a hobby. I don’t really know why I started to collect them, but I haven’t been able to stop since; I’m starting to run out of space!

And finally, what words do you tend to live by?

I would say the phrase go big or go home. I like to do everything at 105%.