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InVentry Insights

Marketing Executive: Hannah Corbitt

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It’s the people that make InVentry such a fantastic company to be part of. We’d like to introduce you to one of our newest recruits, our Marketing Executive, Hannah Corbitt.

When did you join InVentry?

I started in August 2021. It was the company values that really attracted me to want to work for InVentry, I remember looking at the website and thinking this would be an interesting place to work.

Well, it’s great to have you as part of the team. What do you like most about working at InVentry? 

I’d have to say the people! The team are so welcoming. During my first week at InVentry, I had the chance to sit down with each department, to really get to know how they interact with one another and I could tell that this would be a great environment to work in. When the team comes together, whether this be at one of our quarterly meetings or just during lunch, everyone is so friendly.

InVentry Team Values
It sounds like you’ve really settled in. What does a typical day look like in your role?

My role varies but that’s what makes it so exciting. Some days I will be writing lots of content or editing landing pages on the website, then other days I will be liaising with our resellers, ensuring they have all the marketing support they need. This can involve lots of creative meetings, bouncing ideas off one another for exciting new campaign ideas.

We bet there’s never a dull day in Marketing! Tell us more about your team.

There’s 7 of us now in Marketing, it’s such a great team. I haven’t been the Marketing newbie for long as we’ve had 2 new additions to the team since I’ve started.

I love our working dynamic, we all get on really well. We work extremely hard but we have a laugh and a bit of a natter.

The InVentry Marketing Team
What a sociable bunch! What would be your career highlight so far?

My proudest moment at InVentry would have to be when I wrote the first corporate Audit & Compliance case study. It was really great to get to know our customers and hear how our system has helped them streamline their asset management to successfully track equipment and improve accountability across various construction sites. It’s great to know that this case study will help others understand how InVentry can support the day-to-day operations of an organisation.

In terms of my career highlight, I think overall it would be the festival that I helped to organise in Skipton. It was chucking it down with rain but it was the first time that anyone had been allowed to go to festivals or large events for over a year because of COVID. Everyone was just loving it, from mud diving to dancing, it was brilliant!

How exciting! I can imagine that was quite a sight to see. What did you want to be when you were younger?

I always wanted to be a teacher. When I left university I actually went down the route of teaching in a primary school but then I went on to study journalism as I absolutely love writing! This is what sparked my interest in marketing as I knew I could get really creative with my work and continue writing interesting content.

With a passion for writing and an interest in schools, it sounds like this role is the perfect fit for you. Describe your experience with InVentry in three words…

Fun, insightful and rewarding!

That’s what we like to hear. If you were stuck on a desert island, what would be your 3 essential items to take and who would you like to be stranded with?

Ooh the essentials, I would have to say sun cream, music and a water filter so I could at least survive on the sea water! Who I’d like to be stranded with is a tough one! I’d have to say my fiancé.

A water filter? How practical! It sounds like you would be just fine. Tell us one fact that people may not know about you…

I was born in Cyprus but I’m allergic to the sun! Now you see why I would have to take sun cream to the desert island!

It all makes sense. Let’s finish up on an inspiring note, what words do you like to live by?

Accept it, deal with it, and move on. My dad always says this to me and it’s just something to live by no matter what happens in life.