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InVentry Insights

Senior Account Manager: George Mulligan


Senior Account Manager; George Mulligan

When did you start at InVentry?

I initially started working 1 day a week in March 2015 on my days off from college.  Once I had finished my studies, I then started full time in July 2015!

You’ve been with us a while now!  What do you like about InVentry?

The people, I’ve made some great friends at InVentry over the years! It’s a really social company, from the pool table at head office through to our company nights out, there’s something for everyone!

That’s great to hear! What does day to day look like in your role?

I spend most of my time demoing InVentry to potential customers, speaking with our resellers and making sure everyone has what they need. I’m part of our External Sales Team of 5, but I also work quite closely with the Internal Sales Team too. As you can imagine, it’s quite a varied role – every day is different!

We bet that keeps you very busy!  What was your first ever job role?

My first ever job was working in Next as a sales assistant!

Very nice! Describe the team at InVentry in 3 words.

Enthusiastic, Loyal and Hardworking!

That’s what we like to hear! What is your karaoke song?

Jason Mraz – I’m yours.

What a great choice, we can’t wait to hear it! What is your go-to work lunch?

If I’m on the road Greggs is always hard to say no too!

Sounds good! What do you do in your free time?

I love playing golf and watching the rugby!

Sport seems to be your thing!  Tell us one fact people might not know about you

I’m pretty obsessed with going to see the Courteeners, I have no idea what the total number of times I’ve been to see them is but it must be over 15!