COVID-19 & Visitor Management

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s fair to say that many people have had to come to terms with ‘the new normal’, whether it be wearing a mask or sticking to social distancing rules, we’ve all had to change the way we live. With many countries, including the United Kingdom, lifting their lockdown regulations to kickstart the economy again, it is essential for workplaces to have the correct precautions in place for the safety of their staff and those entering the workplace.

Becoming COVID secure isn’t something any of us have had to do before in our lifetime, which is why we’re here to help you see how a visitor management system can help you do so – no matter what your setting, from offices to addiction treatment centres to chemotherapy centres.

Track and Trace

As part of the government’s plans to kickstart the economy, we’re all aware of Track and Trace. This is where contact details are taken from you in either bars or restaurants so you can be informed if you have come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Workplaces should also be thinking about implementing a similar process for visitors and staff.

With InVentry, you can see who has been on site at any given time. In conjunction with our Health Declarations, if a staff member or visitor confirms they are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, you can easily see who was onsite with them that day and therefore contact the relevant people to inform them.

Image showing Track and Trace

Contactless sign in for staff and visitors

The UK Government has informed us that we need to keep touching surfaces to a minimum, as the virus can stay on surfaces for a maximum of 48 hours. With InVentry, contactless sign in is a big part of what we do. Staff members sign into the console via a staff ID badge. With contractors and visitors, you can send them their own personalised invitation with a QR code to access the building and sign in, keeping contactless sign-in throughout the site.

Health Features

Our latest new features also help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. These include Health Declarations, as previously mentioned, whereby you send a daily email asking staff and visitors to confirm they are not displaying symptoms of COVID-19 before entering to workplace.

2m Image

Capacity Management is also a new feature which allows you to set a capacity level for the building and receive notifications when this level is met, breached and back to an acceptable number. This is great at managing numbers but also enables you to adhere to the 2m social distancing rule in reception.