Audit Service – A School Perspective

On one hand, recording asset information is a mandatory activity for all schools and academies so they always have an up to date asset register in case of financial auditing. If you’re an academy part of a wider trust, the trust also have to provide financial reports that includes a balance sheet, including depreciation, of all your assets.

On the other hand, recording all your asset information to build your asset register can a painful and time consuming task. The model, location, serial number, photo and so on and so on, all need to be recorded. It’s a mountainous task where resources are limited.

The answer? The InVentry audit and compliance assset register team. We come out to your school and do all the hard work for you, take for example a recent audit completed at Tanners Wood JMI School:

We didn’t even know the auditors were here, they were so quiet and managed to get the job done in one day said Karen Greaves, Office Manager at Tanners Wood. “The auditors assigned the assets to the rooms that they’re in, it’s like each room has had its own little audit. I’m really busy as it is and so to stand there and count all of our assets would have been ridiculous, I just wouldn’t have had the time at all.”

Once the asset register has been completed, the Audit Team provide you with full training on how to use the online portal and app. Our cloud-based app and portal allow you to manage your assets in 3 simple steps.

asset management circles


Scan the QR code using the app to quickly
add assets and locations.

asset management circles


Make changes to assets on the go, report faults or remove the assets from the register.

asset management circles


Use the portal to produce reports, make bulk changes and see the value of all your assets.

An important part of managing assets is to complete and maintain vital checks. Checks can vary and they can be anything from PAT tests to warranty expirations; School Audit allows you to add and update checks as well as notifying you when a new check is due. You can easily attach digital or photographed documents to assets so they can be retrieved and viewed at any time.

“School Audit is a great use for insurance purposes, we know what’s where and who’s got what, if something goes missing we’ll able to see who last had it and which room it was last in. It’s peace of mind, it saves time and so it was well worth paying the money to do it in my experience.”