Loreto College
InVentry helps Loreto College automate their visitor arrival process without compromising on security through their integration with Paxton.
The Client
Based in St Albans, Loreto college welcomes students from the age of 11 – 18 to their academy where they encourage their students to use their talents to make a difference on both a local and global scale. Rated as ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted, the safety of their students and staff has always been of paramount importance.

The Challenge
Loreto College were looking for an automated visitor management system that could provide their staff with one central digital record that could be easily accessed in the event of an emergency. With a current manual sign in process in place, Loreto College needed a solution that could enhance data accuracy whilst improving time efficiency for their employees.
Alongside this Loreto College wanted to find a way to give their 6th form students and staff the flexibility to enter their premises when required, without disturbing their reception team or compromising on their security. However, it was also incredibly important to Loreto College that they were able to capture data upon entry or exit to their academy.

The Solution
InVentry was able to provide Loreto college with a fully comprehensive sign in and visitor management system with a seamless integration with Paxton, to create an accurate and secure process to welcome and monitor staff, pupils, and visitors to their academy.
Collating accurate data across multiple sign in points was a high priority for Loreto College. Through their InVentry installation, the college can now ensure their roll call records are always up to date despite the high volume of traffic entering and leaving their premises, with the ability to monitor the arrival of visitors, staff, 6th form students and late students.
Housed on an 8-acre estate with multiple buildings, Loreto College also wanted a way to enable staff and 6th form students to sign in or out at different buildings without having to visit the academy’s main office. By installing Quickscan Touch Units to these buildings, Loreto college now has the ability to do just that. The academy can now grant individual visitors, staff or students access to specific buildings through their ID cards. With this information feeding back to the InVentry system, Loreto College has been able to enhance their security protocols whilst being able to capture this crucial data.
From The Client
In-depth insights from the client on how our collaboration delivered tangible success.
I was really impressed by the quality and professionalism of the InVentry engineers and the project management of the same. Beyond that, the overwhelmingly positive reaction of staff who are using the system endorses our decision to install it.
It is so simple to use but so advanced at the same time. The time it has saved our main office and receptionist is significant. Our premises have become safer and more secure as a result of the InVentry and Paxton integration, I can’t recommend the system enough!

- Damian Osman
Contact Us
Get in touch with us today
See How Our Sign in and Visitor Management Solutions Can Enhance Your Business- 0113 322 9253
- info@inventry.co.uk
InVentry Ltd
Visitor House,
Gelderd Road,
Leeds, LS27 7JN
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