What can evacuation reports help with?
- Find out the time taken to complete an evacuation. This helps to know how long people took to react to an evacuation after it was announced.
- Give a list of accounted/ non accounted for people in the building, ensuring you know who is onsite and if anyone has gone missing.
- Allow your organisation to monitor the effectiveness of your evacuation plans and if there is anything you need to further improve.
- CSV lists will be attached to the email of your evacuation report if it is over 30 people, making it easier to sort through and see on a desktop.
This feature is available for anyone with the InVentry Anywhere License; however you must be using the InVentry Anywhere App for Fire Evacuation to use this feature.
There is a dedicated InVentry Evacuation Summary section available on the InVentry Zendesk support portal. This includes numerous written and video guides for you to have a look at, they will give you lots of top tips on how to utilise the Evacuation Reports.
They will also provide scenarios of where, when and how the Evacuation Reports can be used, along with how to deploy the app and setup access for those staff members who require it.
Top Features
Accurate time taken to complete an evacuation
List of those accounted and unaccounted for
Email CSV lists if over 30 people in your organisation