ISO9001 & ISO27001 Accredited Company
InVentry Cloud Console Visitor list on a laptop

Cloud Console

Our cloud solution allows you to access InVentry anytime, from anywhere with our browser-based, Cloud Console.

InVentry Cloud Console On A Laptop

Cloud Console Overview

Access InVentry anytime, from anywhere with our browser-based Cloud console! Pre-book visitors, track early-leaving and late-arriving pupils, assign Evacuation Assistance Required to personnel and so much more, on the go. Check out just some of the great features our cloud based software has below!

Cloud Console Features

The Cloud Console provides a comprehensive suite of cloud solution features to streamline visitor and staff management. From pre-booking and tracking arrivals to customising sign-in questions and viewing detailed staff and pupil information, our cloud based software simplifies administrative tasks and enhances operational efficiency.

Easily Pre-book Visitors

Use the cloud based software to pre-book visitors and approved personnel, and easily view their arrival status.

Custom Questions

Organisations can customise their Cloud Console sign in questions for individual or group records.

Search Functionality

The cloud based software features convenient search functionality and filters to save on admin time.


Upcoming events can be easily identified with a daily, weekly, and monthly calendar view.

Staff Details

Staff details are readily available in the cloud solution, including vehicle registration, which department they work in and even reasons for signing out.

Pupil Information

View photos, contact information and the relationship status of a parent or guardian who is authorised to collect a pupil, for added safeguarding measures.

Benefits of Using Cloud Console

Cloud Console is ideal for organisations seeking a streamlined, secure, and compliant way to manage on-site activity and access. InVentry’s Cloud Console offers a range of benefits for managing visitor and staff sign-in systems efficiently, which include:

Centralised Management:

Our cloud based software enables remote oversight of sign-in activities, offering a unified view across multiple locations. This feature is particularly beneficial for organisations with geographically dispersed operations.

Enhanced Security:

The cloud solution employs robust 256-bit encryption for both on-site and cloud-stored data, ensuring compliance with GDPR and UK data protection laws. Secure data transfer is maintained via HTTPS/TLS protocols​.

Customisable Interface:

The platform allows organisations to personalise the sign-in experience, such as tailoring data collection, visitor policies, and staff interaction to their specific requirements​.

Real-Time Data Access:

Through InVentry, users can access up-to-date information on staff and visitors in emergency situations, facilitating swift and accurate evacuation roll calls. Daily data purging ensures compliance with data retention policies.

User-Friendly Integration:

The console integrates seamlessly with MIS systems, streamlining workflows across various sectors such as education, healthcare, and manufacturing. It also simplifies the management of system settings and user permissions remotely​.

Improved Compliance and Reporting:

Our Cloud Console system helps organisations meet statutory obligations, such as fire safety regulations and attendance monitoring, while also offering detailed audit and reporting functionalities​.

Contact Us

Get in Touch Today to Learn More About Cloud Console’s Products and Features.

Request a brochure, or book your free Cloud Console demo today and find out how your organisation can benefit from our cloud solution.

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