InVentry helps Oakfield Community with Visitor Management and the safeguarding of their residents

Oakfield (Easton Maudit) needed a professional sign in system to tackle a range of issues they were facing around visitor, contractor and staff management. In particular, they were looking for a solution that would enable a secure and GDPR compliant sign in process – whilst also providing a great first impression within their reception area.

 InVentry offers Oakfield additional security as they now have improved awareness of the location of people we support. John Quilter, Business & Support Manager, commented “it was an easy choice choosing InVentry as it was the best system out there. We love the fact it’s not only sped up our sign in process – but the system also pulls reports for us, which is something we really needed! It’s also completely streamlined our sign in process, and the system looks professional in our reception area. I really can’t recommend InVentry enough!”.

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 “The support we’ve had from InVentry has been great – from our initial questions before purchasing, right through to support our installation. Although we’re still in the final phase of set up right now, I think the approved contractors and contractor checks offering will be really beneficial to us. The approved contractor’s module of InVentry will allow us to store approved contractor information, checks and expiry dates within one holistic system – which will further improve their sign in experience when visiting site.”