Ensure Your DBS Checks Comply with Ofsted Using InVentry

For most staff and visitors in a school, an enhanced DBS check with barred list information is mandatory as many of these people are engaging in regulated activity. By using InVentry for your DBS checks you can ensure the safeguarding of all your students and immediately comply with Ofsted requirements.

One click simple sign in for your DBS checked visitors

Upload multiple contractor DBS records in one go

Printed ID badges include
DBS checked information

Disable DBS records after a fixed period or by job role

Single Central Record

InVentry’s Single Central Record is the perfect way to keep track of relevant staff and contractor information. The need for spreadsheets and out-dated paper-based systems is no more. This feature keeps addresses, email address and contact information all in one place, as well as all certifications or personal checks that may be needed for your education establishment.

Our Senior Account Manager, Billy Hambling, discusses the Single Central Record feature in more detail to the right!

DBS 01
One area where schools often go ‘beyond that which is required’ is by asking for repeated DBS checks on a rolling basis – every three or five years for staff, and every three months for onsite contractors. Through InVentry you can manage when your DBS checks are due to expire and need to be completed through our easy to use DBS checker tool.
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0113 322 9253

DBS Checker Tool

Through InVentry you can also manage when your DBS checks are due to expire and need to be completed through our easy to use DBS checker tool.

See when checks have expired, are due to expire and get alerts

Disable DBS checks if not onsite within any time period

Set alerts to notify users regarding problematic checks

Create evidence reports for senior leaders and inspectors