Opening safely with InVentry

InVentry are the market leaders for staff, contractor and visitor management solutions across both education and modern business; trusted by over 7,000 organisations. With a phased return to work on the horizon, here’s what InVentry can do to help your business re-open safely..

Health Declaration

This new feature sends a notification to staff members at the beginning of each day asking them if they’re free of COVID-19 symptoms. If they fail this check, and so are displaying symptoms of the illness, they won’t be able to sign into the building & a notification will be sent to the relevant Health and Safety contact.

Our system also links to Paxton Door Access, if you have this integration the Paxton controlled entrance door will not open if said person tries to enter the building.

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Know Who Is On-Site Instantly

InVentry allows you to see who is in the building at any one time. This means that you can control and oversee those entering the building, as well as the total visitors and staff on site. Combined with our Health Declaration feature, this is a really useful tool as if someone fails the Health Declaration you can track who has been in the office at the same time as them previously.

Pre-book and Stagger Visitors

InVentry allows you to pre-book visitors coming onto site. This is a great feature as it allows you to send an invitation to a visitor or contractor coming on-site, whereby they get their own personal QR code to scan on the system upon arrival, reducing screen contact.

It also means you can stagger visiting times to reduce the number of people in your building at any one given time.

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Host Ready Notifications

This is another new feature of InVentry! When a visitor arrives on site, a notification is sent to the meeting host. The notification includes an embedded link for the host to let the visitor into the building.

This is especially useful when you have more than one visitor, or a large group, due on site as you’re able to stagger when they enter. It also helps you avoid having large groups of people waiting in reception – keeping that 2m distance.

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