Allow staff to sign in remotely
Many of us have had to adjust to remote working during 2020 including the team here at InVentry. We have been working on our remote worker features for quite some time. This new feature can also be used by those businesses who adopt a hybrid approach to working – with some continuing to work from home.
So, what do these great new features offer?
Remote Worker Sign In gives your staff the ability to sign into InVentry whilst working from home. Our latest enhancement of this feature; Remote Worker GPS Location, will also allow you to see the remote location where an employee has signed in and out. This is great for enhancing your safeguarding and can also be used to log visit duration for engineers, care staff and so much more!
Staff will simply sign in via our InVentry Anywhere App, through a simple click of a button! The app and your console will then show who is working in the office, who is remote working and who is signed in at another site, which means that your fire evacuation records are always correct.
Key benefits:
- Users are able to sign in to work from outside their normal working location “bubble”
- They’re able to sign in via mobile devices on the Anywhere App which is simple and easy to use
- Monitor sign in and out location and time to track visit durations
- Businesses can easily identify those who have signed in remotely and who won’t be in the office that day
Top Features
Know who is working on site at any given time
Let staff members log in while working from home
Keep up to date fire evacuation records