InVentry Conference 2017

With a day packed full of celebration for company and staff achievements, Messi-esk techniques on the football pitch and spectacular shapes being thrown on the dance floor; Friday saw another successful InVentry annual conference to mark the end of a very busy September and our 7th birthday!

The InVentry conference began with a glass of prosecco in hand (something that we’re becoming more and more famous for at our events). The Directors followed this up with their annual review of what has been going on over the last 12 months. Here are just some of the whopping stats that came out of the presentation:

  • We have grown from 39 to 63 employees
  • A 42% increase in annual turnover
  • 1,157 new customers
  • 21st fastest growing tech company in the North
  • 14,911 calls received companywide and 32,424 miles driven by engineers in September alone.

As well as companywide success, there was also acknowledgment of individuals who have gone the extra mile. We had the ‘Target Smasher’ award right through to the ‘Directors Choice’ award. There were several shout outs but overall, it’s been a great effort by everyone involved.

After the formalities, the group activities kicked off. With the choice of football or footgolf, everyone’s competitive side came out. Despite the weather, InVentry’s own Rory McIlroy, Mark Firkins, took home the trophy for footgolf and Jordan Ellis’ team tackled their way to victory on the football field.

Following a swift change of clothes, the party was well underway. A good time was had by all, aided by the free-flowing bar and yummy pulled pork sandwiches.