Ready for the third instalment of An InVentry Christmas? This time we’re talking to our New Business Advisor, Kendra Larter and resident Disney Princess (did you know she buys a Disney ornament for the tree every year?!)…

I love Christmas, it’s all about spending time with family and having lots of fun. Christmas Dinner is always at my Granny and Grandads, we sit down at 1pm sharp! If you’re not there by 1pm you will miss out on the stuffing and sprouts, my uncle found that out the hard way one-year haha!

Christmas films are the absolute holy grail. My favourite is Love Actually, if my mum and I haven’t recited the whole of the film it’s not Christmas yet! My Dad obviously looks forward to it all year round (not).

It goes without saying that I love buying Christmas presents for friends and family! I’m not a massive fan of wrapping them but seeing everyone’s faces when they open them on Christmas day is priceless. I’m pretty much the 5-foot 4 version of Buddy the Elf!

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Boxing Days means Rugby in our house! My Uncle and I go to watch Leeds Rhinos on Boxing Day every year (expect 2020 ☹). It’s freezing cold, I can’t feel my toes by the end of the first half but there’s nothing a hot chocolate with marshmallows can’t fix!

I hope everyone has the best Christmas and an amazing New Year!

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