Joining the InVentry Community Forum

How do I get involved?

Joining the community is easy! Simply use your InVentry login to get started. Join in on the conversations that are already happening, post your own questions and talk to other InVentry users just like you!

What are the perks?

There’s lots of new things happening with InVentry all the time. From new feature releases to new integrations, as part of the community, you’ll be the first to know about it! As well as this you’ll be able to:

  • Network with like-minded people and share what’s working for you
  • Find out other users tips and tricks to unlock everything you’d like to do with InVentry
  • Learn more about how other businesses and schools are using InVentry in the real world!

A place for sharing..

The community is for everyone. The collaboration is between InVentry and customers and even customers and other customers! Want to share learnings about your latest win or fail? Have an idea for a new feature? We’re all ears. Need help or want some tips on how to best use your InVentry system? We’ve got your back.

Our community is also:

  • Supportive. We’re in this together, so we all contribute to answering each other’s questions and in uplifting one another. (Don’t fret – our support portal is still there! That’s also the go-to destination for your technical questions.)
  • Connected. Our community connects members with each other to imagine new solutions and lead on inspiration and progress.