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When it comes to helping out the community, here at InVentry, we like to pride ourselves in wanting to be the first to offer our services where we can. When Vicky from Camp Hill Primary School got in touch about their Bus Library project, we just had to be involved!

So what is it?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Camp Hill Primary School were faced with many struggles when it came to space in the school. When needing to support their pupils with more classrooms, their beloved library had to be taken over by desks and chairs to create an extra classroom to be able to adhere to social distancing and bubbles.

They were left with the dilemma of what they could create to make a space for their library. Enter, Hermione, the Harry Potter themed library bus!

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Flashback to 7 years ago when the Head Teacher at the time wanted a new theme throughout the school, for house groups and a house points system, the pupils were given the chance to vote – by unanimous decision they chose that Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw were the best house names ever and thus a Harry Potter Themed primary school was born!

The library bus, Hermione, will continue with the theme of Harry Potter when it is eventually finished. To create the library bus, Camp Hill Primary School need help from the community for donations, fundraising and actually building the library with an ‘all hands-on deck’ attitude!

What will Hermione do?

The library bus is being created to improve the mental health and wellbeing of the students within the school. With many school trips and exciting times being cancelled due to COVID-19, the school hopes the bus will bring lots of positivity to the students, as well as giving them a place to relax and learn in a quieter atmosphere.

Eventually, the bus will also become a hub for the community, with the idea of inviting Care Homes and Nurseries in to read with the pupils of Camp Hill once COVID-19 permits it. They’re even looking into getting solar panels for the bus to make it extra sustainable!

How can we help?

InVentry are making a sizeable donation to the school to help them hit the ground running with getting the bus created. When we spoke to Vicky from Camp Hill Primary School she said “We couldn’t be more thankful for InVentry’s donation and everyone else that has been getting involved. We’re in the really early stages of getting the bus created, which has been kindly donated to us, however the support we have received has been amazing!”

Vicky went on to say that staff and parents have been equally excited about the bus, with many parents getting their own fundraising efforts started!

When we asked Vicky why she thought to ask InVentry, she said “InVentry look after us from a safeguarding point of view. Our staff and visitor management are second to none thanks to them – we no longer have outdated paper based systems which is great. We saw that they are a really caring company and thought we would reach out to see if they wanted to be a part of it – we can’t thank them enough for saying yes!”

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