InVentry helps Matrix Polymers modernise their sign in process and reception area

How many people walk past a paper sign in book and think ‘there is no point filling that in.’ Well that’s exactly what was becoming a daily occurrence for Matrix Polymers. Before having their InVentry sign in system, Matrix Polymers used a simple paper book to keep track of visitors coming in and out of their business: “We literally just had a visitor book that everyone used to sign in, it had a little label that you stuck inside a badge holder that visitors would just clip on”, said Kelly McDevitt, Logistic Administrator at Matrix Polymers.

InVentry has massively improved efficiency for Matrix Polymers in terms of safety procedures: “We’ve used the evacuation app in several test runs and it’s brilliant.” When asked why she chose InVentry, Kelly said: “It’s something I had seen before in my children’s school and I knew it worked. We looked at a couple of different options but InVentry was the best. From the moment the system was presented to us, it was just so straightforward.” Kelly loves the impression the system gives to their visitors: “Everyone walks in says things like ‘this is posh isn’t it’, they’re always very impressed with it.”

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“Everyone feels a little bit safer knowing that they’re signed in. Even though we’ve never had a fire, touch wood, it’s just piece of mind that everyone onsite is safe. It’s like a comfort blanket, knowing that it’s there when we need it. I couldn’t recommend InVentry enough. It looks nice, it gives a good, professional impression to visitors coming in…it really is a no brainer.”