Gartnavel Hospital
InVentry helps Gartnavel Hospital to improve their contractor management with a professional sign in and contractor management system.
The Client
Gartnavel General Hospital is situated in the west of Glasgow and offers a broad range of medical and surgical sub-specialties. The hospital employs around 38,000 staff and provides healthcare to over 1.1 million people. The Estates and Facilities Department are responsible for maintaining a high quality healthcare environment in compliance with statuary NHS healthcare standards and guidelines.

The Challenge
The Estates Department within Gartnavel General Hospital required the employment of a vast number of specialist contractors. Because of this, the hospital then in turn needed a system that would allow them to improve their contractor sign in process as well as general contractor management across their site. The hospital’s existing sign in process included manual registration and a paper-based induction and key tracking sheet.

The Solution
Gartnavel Hospital was looking for a solution that could improve their current processes to enhance the safeguarding of their staff, patients, and visitors. InVentry was able to provide a comphrenisve sign in solution that enabled Gartnavel Hospital to accurately track visitor arrivals, whilst managing their contractor process from beginning to end.
A key requirement for Gartnavel Hospital was having the ability to issue contractor cards to enable contractors to gain access to specific areas of the hospital whilst being able to report on contractor arrival times and movements across their hospital. Through their InVentry system, Gartnavel Hospital now have the ability to assign temporary ID card to their contractors, enabling them to sign and out of the hospital for the duration of their visit whilst accurately tracking this data.

The contractor checks tool was also a great benefit for Gartnavel Hospital as this feature has enabled the hospital to manage checks for contractors in one central place, including RAMS, method statements, permits to work and insurance documents. With their InVentry system, the hospital can send automatic emails and customised questionnaires to their contractors before they are due to arrive on site. This means that without the necessary checks being completed, contractors are unable to sign in to the InVentry system – including when the contractor checks have expired.

Another feature of the InVentry system that have proven to be useful for Gartnavel Hospital is the approved contractors’ module. This has enabled the hospital to store all contractor details in one central location, meaning that once they are saved and approved, contractors are able to simply swipe their card to sign in and out of the hospital.
Gartnavel hospital were also looking for a way to manage keys through their sign in system. With InVentry’s key management module, Gartnavel Hospital can now track ownership of their keys. Each key at the hospital has been set up on the system and assigned to a barcode so that when a key is signed out of reception, the team can clearly identify who has booked that key out.
From The Client
In-depth insights from the client on how our collaboration delivered tangible success.
Contractor Management was a real challenge for us before InVentry and it’s triggered such a transformation in terms of managing contractors. I can’t put into words how simple the system is to use and how dramatically it’s effected my workload. I now simply direct contractors to our sign in screen and ask them to follow the instructions on the screen, I can then take myself away to concentrate on other tasks I need to complete.
InVentry has really streamlined our process and helped us move away from our previous old-fashioned system for managing visitors and contractors. It’s also enabled us to better safeguard our staff, visitors and patients by ensuring that everyone on-site is checked and has appropriate access around the building. I really couldn’t recommend InVentry enough – from the initial exploratory discussions right through to installation and support – the team have been fantastic – we’re happy to promote such a fantastic product and company.

- Sandra Duff
Contact Us
Get in touch with us today
See How Our Sign in and Visitor Management Solutions Can Enhance Your Business- 0113 322 9253
- info@inventry.co.uk
InVentry Ltd
Visitor House,
Gelderd Road,
Leeds, LS27 7JN
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