Based in the heart of Veridion Park, The Engine House Bexley is an award-winning business centre designed for small to medium enterprises looking for
a flexible, prestigious office solution. With over 50 businesses operating from the building, having a professional and efficient reception area is crucial for them to be able to deliver an exceptional experience for their clients, visitors and employees.
Home to multiple businesses, The Engine House Bexley were looking for a simple electronic sign in solution that would enable their reception team to securely welcome visitors and contractors into the building. The solution also needed to ensure visitors were linked to the correct company upon signing in. The challenge for the centre was finding one comprehensive system that would enable them to differentiate between their guests, whilst still securely capturing this data.
To improve efficiency across their building, they also needed a solution that would seamlessly link to their current Paxton access control system – whilst also capturing sign in data of clients and employees across multiple entrance and exit points.
With InVentry’s Multi-Tenant feature, we were able to provide the Engine House Bexley with a professional and efficient sign-in and visitor management solution that would enable the centre to monitor both visitor and client behaviour with great ease.
This feature also allowed the centre to create company profiles for each of the businesses operating from the building within their InVentry system. This meaning that they can now assign staff members, contractors and visitors to each specific company. It’s also given them the ability to accurately monitor their clients’ personnel and guests whilst separating this data from the building’s day-to-day visitors and contractors.
With the option to also share site documents such as health and safety guidelines and fire evacuation policies with visitors and contractors before they arrive on site, the centre can ensure they have effective measures in place to provide a safe environment for all guests.
Having the ability to track visitors and staff arrivals at multiple entrance points was another key component for The Engine House Bexley, when looking for a sign in solution. With a Paxton system already installed across site, the centre needed the ability to record sign in activity from their P50 card readers – installed around main stairwells and lift points – via one centralised database. Through InVentry’s integration with Paxton, they were able to provide just that.
With sign in activity feeding back to the InVentry system, the centre is now able to accurately monitor the number of onsite visitors at any one time – which has proven to be a great addition when pulling live emergency evacuation reports through the InVentry Anywhere App. By storing this data in one central system, the reception team also have the ability to run reports to see who is in the building and what time they arrived or departed the premises – perfect for logging time-keeping records for employees!